The oldest fishing shop in Scheveningen since 1933
Het Haringhuisje!
let op !!per 3 februari
op maandag en dinsdag gesloten!!

The herring house is my passion and my life. I share that passion with my colleagues & guests.
Owner Haringhuisje
Popular dishes


- Whistles
- Tuna salad
- Zalmsalade
- Crab salad
- Pikante Tonijnsalade
- Pikante makreelsalade


- Various Fish & fish salad sandwiches
- Prepared in your own kitchen
- Proef ons vers van het mes broodje haring
Our guests
About the Haringhuisje…..
For years I have been coming to get a fresh Herring sandwich after surfing. After a fun day of surfing, there is nothing as tasty as the fresh Herring from the Haringhuisje!

Niels van Steenis
Freelance Webdesigner
I have known Cees for years. Via the herring house. I always enjoy the mussel dish. So they have much more than just Herring!

Esther de Jonghe
On Saturdays I always come to the herring house with my family. My wife likes to eat the salads. My children love the kibbeling and I take the salmon dish myself

Mike Arends
Experience the Haringhuisje
Come visit us and experience what it is like to enjoy the oldest fish shop in Scheveningen
About Us
Het Haringhuisje has existed since 1933, making it the oldest fish shop in Scheveningen. In 2013 we won the prize for best herring in The Hague.
Opening hours
vanaf 1 Februari zijn wij geopend van woensdag tot en met zondag
08:00 – 19:00* uur
* vanaf 18:30 uur gaan de ovens uit en zijn er nog broodjes en salade verkrijgbaar.